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In Kenya, our focus is on harnessing the power of community engagement to drive sustainable growth and development. Our Community Development program is designed to empower communities, encouraging collaboration and innovation to tackle local challenges and improve quality of life.

Community Development


Bee Bong Library

EXPOSE's community development efforts in Mombasa,Kenya, shine through its collaborative initiative with localpartners to construct a library for Bee Bong School, serving 150primary students. This endeavor underscores our dedicationto fostering education as a cornerstone of sustainabledevelopment. The library not only provides access to a diversearray of books but also serves as a dynamic space foreducational activities and cultural enrichment tailored to theneeds of young learners. Through ongoing support, EXPOSEensures the library remains a vibrant center for learning,fostering critical thinking and empowerment amongMombasa's youth.


Moreover, the establishment of the library embodies a spirit of collaboration and community empowerment, with local residents, educators, and volunteers joining forces to nurture a brighter future for Mombasa's children. This grassroots effort transcends infrastructure development, catalyzing sustainable  change and fostering a culture of lifelong learning in the region. As the library continues to evolve into a hub for education and cultural exchange, its impact extends beyond the school, inspiring hope and empowerment throughout the community. Through its unwavering dedication to education and community engagement, EXPOSE sets a powerful example of how grassroots initiatives can drive positive change and
unlock the potential of underserved communities in Mombasa, Kenya


Past Programs: Bee Bong School

Bee-Bong, a small school nestled in Kongowea, a town inMombasa, Kenya, was established to offer free education andtwo daily meals to 61 underprivileged children. Our initiativeaimed to achieve the following objectives:


1. Ensuring the provision of two nutritious meals a day for the

2. Sustaining the salaries of teachers to enable them to provide
guidance to the children, especially those who engage in
home-based learning through mediums like television, radios,
or newspapers.

3. Supporting the dedicated teachers who play a pivotal role in
shaping the children's futures.


The genesis of Bee-Bong dates back to 2014 when it emerged asa haven for local children who spent their days playing on thestreets. Mrs. Anastasia Johna, driven by compassion, welcomedthese children into her care, offering them nourishment andbasic education without any financial burden. Over time, heraltruistic efforts gained traction within the community, withlocal mothers entrusting their children's welfare to her. With thesupport of her daughter, Mary Mungai, residing in the USA, Mrs.Johna initiated a more structured educational program.


In 2016, EXPOSE became aware of Mary's commendable endeavors and extended sponsorship to Bee-Bong. This crucial support enabled the school to accommodate an additional 50 children, ensuring they receive not only education but also two nutritious meals daily. Thanks to EXPOSE's backing, Bee-Bong has earned accreditation and now offers education up to the third grade, marking a significant milestone in its journey.


EXPOSE sustains its programs through various avenues, including organizing events and garnering support from the community. However, with the disruption caused by stay-at-home orders leading to event cancellations, we are compelled to seek alternative means of support. We invite you to continue your invaluable support for the programs that have become synonymous with hope and opportunity for the children of Bee-Bong.

Thank you  to our sponsors


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